MicrasWiki:Demographics of Nouvelle Alexandrie

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Template:Nouvelle Alexandrie ArticleThe demographics of Nouvelle Alexandrie are monitored at the federal level by the Department of Interior. Each regional government will also monitor their populations, with most having regional census authorities or "counting agencies", as they are usually called in North and South Lyrica. Under the jurisdiction of the Department of Interior, the decennial New Alexandrian census is conducted by the Federal Statistics Authority, established in Template:AN. Regional and federal agencies cooperate with each other to ensure a thorough and accurate count of all residents of the Federation.

The official resident population of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie is 288,651,042, as determined by the census of Template:AN. This figure includes the residents of the territory of Jaris. The 1718 New Alexandrian census was conducted by the Department of Interior. The 1703 census found out that the population of Nouvelle Alexandrie grew by 15.30% or 38,344,005 additional inhabitants from the informal count done in Template:AN.

Nouvelle Alexandrie's population growth is sustained by pro-natalist policies and the Law of Graces, initially instituted by the government of Alejandro Campos and continued up until the modern era by the Federal Humanist Party. The Law of Graces is a set of laws and policies initially developed by the former independent republic of Alduria that gave automatic citizenship to those who can prove having been citizens of Caputia, Alexandria, and/or the Wechua Nation. This is enshrined in the Proclamation of Punta Santiago under Chapter 1, Article Five.

Population[edit source]

The official resident population of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie is 288,651,042, as determined by the fifth census of the Federation, the census of Template:AN. This figure includes the residents of the territory of Jaris. The 1718 census determined that population grew by 15.30% or 38,344,005 additional inhabitants from the informal count done in Template:AN. This was prior to some major territorial changes, where new territory was absorbed and created as the Region of Boriquén.

Age distribution[edit source]

Population Demographics Template:AN
Population Age % of pop (Avg) Pop Value
0-18 20.33% 56,653,426
18-31 27.02% 80,460,302
32-47 25.24% 73,000,055
48-63 16.01% 45,777,012
64-79 9.29% 27,090,584
80-95 1.92% 5,167,859
96+ 0.19% 501,805
Total 100.00% 288,651,042

Birth rate[edit source]

Death rate[edit source]

Marriage rate[edit source]

Total fertility rate[edit source]

Life expectancy[edit source]

Density[edit source]

Growth[edit source]

Immigration[edit source]

Population centers[edit source]

Ethnic groups[edit source]

Ethnicity Distribution Template:AN
Ethnicity Population Percentage of Total
Alexandrian 88,500,409 30.66%
Caputian 63,849,610 22.12%
Wechua 61,569,267 21.33%
Leonés 3,521,543 1.22%
Babkhi 30,366,090 10.52%
Eurani 12,152,209 4.21%
Ladino 3,232,892 1.12%
Ransenari 2,771,050 0.96%
Constancian 14,143,901 4.90%
Other 8,544,071 2.96%
Total 288,651,042 100.00%

Aldurians[edit source]

Alexandrians[edit source]

Caputians[edit source]

Leonés[edit source]

Wechua[edit source]

Babhki[edit source]

Eurani[edit source]

Ladino[edit source]

Constancian[edit source]

Ransenari[edit source]

Religious groups[edit source]

Melusinians[edit source]

Nazarene[edit source]

Church of Alexandria[edit source]

Template:See also

Zurvanism[edit source]

Bovinism[edit source]

Others[edit source]

Diaspora[edit source]

Languages[edit source]

Template:See also

Other statistics[edit source]

LGBT population[edit source]

Foreign-born population[edit source]

Citizens living abroad[edit source]

Healthy Families Plan[edit source]

Template:See also

Healthy Settlement Families Program[edit source]

Vital statistics[edit source]

Maps[edit source]

See also[edit source]